Pathway Future Story #3

Future Story #3 = 2014 (Mentoring Church Model)

(Jan 26,09 version)

Pathway Community Church is a church of 500 and growing which emulates Christ’s response to those with physical and spiritual needs.  The cultural diversity of the congregation matches the demographics of the area. Social gatherings and other events enhance the multi-cultural understanding needed and  broaden the congregation culturally. The congregation is composed of individuals with many different skills, talents and strengths which are used to address the needs of the community and develop ministries. The congregation is sensitive to the ongoing and changing needs of the community. There are 125 individuals involved in ministries representing a strong infrastructure. Opportunities to go out into the local community and the world are encouraged.

PCC  has a training center  which is equipped with experts (members and non-members) who train the congregation to support the ministries of the church.  The facilities are all equipped for multi-purpose use.

Types of training currently offered include:
– veteran’s reintegration;
– disaster preparedness response and relief;
– mentoring to young families and ministry to children;
– addressing mental health issues;
– partnering with health agencies to sponsor a walk-in neighborhood health clinics

The small groups that form through the special needs groups and PCC’s ministries become an avenue through which relationships are formed and spiritual conversations or issues can be raised.
The mission and values of Pathway Community Church are expressed in every ministry represented.

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5 Comments on “Pathway Future Story #3”

  1. bstryd Says:

    We need to address the issue of cultural diversity in each of the stories. In this one, we could find a specific mentoring need that addresses a need in another cultural background.

  2. Jean Kovach Says:

    I see this as somewhat similar to Story #2 where congregation members get trained to help fill community needs.

  3. Janet Takayanagi Says:

    for either 2 or 3- where will we get the training?
    what funds would be necessary?
    How would we get the word out?

  4. Matthew Breen Says:

    I envision the need for members who have been through a specific experience to lead the way on this type of ministry. In prior ministries it was the individual leaders who sought training after having healthfully survived an experience. Bereavement, Divorce recovery and Family to Family I think are examples where there was a need felt to specifically address something not being addressed by the community. Having gone though the experience and coming out of it feeling that you have something you must offer are key.

  5. Pat Stryd Says:

    Classes and seminars have not been a source of interest in the past. Recovery type groups have been a strength. However, I think we should get away from individual supported programs (Grief, DRG, NAMI) and think how MANY of us could be involved. Capitalizing on the 50 Ways Campaign could be a way to do that.

    Veterns: Wow! Even as a therapist I see this as a very difficult area to address without lots of training. Even the NAMI group works with support people not directly with those with mental illness.

    Other groups have done earthquake preparedness. How would a program like that help us grow?

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